Welcome to UU University

Light up your world this year

About UU University

This is a community space for those participating in our inter-congregational programming for members of: All Souls Kansas City, MO; BuxMont UU Fellowship in Warrington, PA; First Parish of Kingston, MA; UU Fellowship of Corvallis, OR; and the UU Society of Fairhaven, MA.

Our community will grow in the coming weeks and months and we hope to be a place of connection and deepening within our individual congregations and between them as we get to know UU's from many places. Please scroll down to register for a class and to view the course catalog. 

Please register

Once you have decided to take a course, we ask that you fill out this registration form. This helps us get you in contact with the course instructor(s) and into the cohort group(s) of your choice. Click this link to register for courses - https://uuviews.typeform.com/to/cqUiV3kJ

Course Catalog

Want to find out more about the courses? Check out the google doc to see what is being offered and when classes are happening - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VhfEfJvX91jOJlOYTN9eg40ObkO3lpgjLrkDvlt7L7k/edit?usp=sharing